Team Fortress: 10 Best Halloween Maps | Screen Roar

2021-11-25 06:12:51 By : Ms. Joanna Hong

From Hell’s Towers, Ghost Towns and Carnival of Carnival of Carnage to Graveyards, Manor Manor and Monster Strikes, find out which Team Fortress 2 map dominates.

Team Fortress 2 is a popular multiplayer first-person shooter game. Thanks to its annual Halloween map update, it will continue to attract new fans every year. So far, since the fun holiday mix was created in October 2009, about 30 Halloween maps have been added to the game. Although some maps are easy to repeat, others do a great job of creating spooky Halloween decorations and creepy holiday backgrounds.

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As Halloween approaches, it’s a great opportunity to highlight which Halloween maps in Team Fortress 2 are the most fascinating, while also bringing real excitement and chill.

The second Halloween map to appear in top-notch first-person shooters includes Mann Manor, which turns the Mountian Lab level into a distressing house of horror. The locations of Mann Manor increased from three to nine in the first Halloween map (Harvest Event), taking place in and around a weird, dilapidated old mansion owned by Redmond Mann.

Mann Manor contains hidden traps, weird pumpkin bombs, spooky gargoyles, and the terrifying presence of The Horseless Headless Horsemanm, including three different control points and disturbing tunnels, cliffs, and warehouses that pass through at night. Compared with the first Halloween map created, Mann Manor has been significantly improved, and it is still a terrifying experience.

The Hell Tower Halloween map was created in 2013, turning the original Hightower map into a terrifying area full of vengeful ghosts, rotting skeletons, magic spells, and hot lava emerging from the pits of the underground world. In addition, Hell Tower marked the launch of The Witching Hour timing event, which has become mainstream.

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In order to reproduce the interior of the hell, the player must jump over the lava and cross a map decorated with several towers, ramps, balconies, bridges, and corridors, all of which lead to the hell itself, which is more evil and demonic The area needs to be overcome. The layout and danger make the Hell Tower one of the most unique Halloween maps.

Those who are afraid of weird carnivals and weird circus performances may wish to avoid the horror presented in Carnival of Carnage. This map turns the doomsday level into a Halloween nightmare, creating one of the most terrifying horror game remakes. The creepy holiday map forces players to use melee weapons alone without the help of guns.

Terrible threats include huge strongmen, evil Sumerian circus gods, bottomless pits, pumpkin bombs, huge balloon heads, and doomed Necromancers. The best part of the map is the awesome bumper car arena. , It presents three breathtaking unpredictable results.

Based on the terrifying horror introduced in Hellstone and Brimstone, Tombstone is one of the busiest and most harmful Halloween maps that Team Fortress must provide. Gravestone overturned the map of Rumble, including a haunted sawmill with flying haunted saw blades scattered on it, and a petrified pumpkin field with a witch's cauldron inside.

In addition to the suffocating night fog, the tombstone has some of the most powerful villains in the game, including the Headless Horseman, Maramos, and his red-eyed one-eyed monster. The map even includes the return of the popular bumper car race, making it versatile, fun and frightening.

For bloody movie fans, the Halloween map of the same name in Team Fortress is a twisted nightmare. The map is set in a haunted campsite at night, apparently to pay tribute to Jason Vorhees and his brutal horror movie brothers.

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Decorated with moody bonfires, mines, docks, supply sheds, ranger offices, etc., players will encounter Maramos and MONOCULUS, horseless horsemen, ghosts, skeletons and more. However, the real fun of the map comes from the astral jumping into and out of the underworld. If successful, it will bring countless privileges to the player.

A Halloween map made from a whole piece of cloth includes Monster Bash, which takes place in a haunted Bavarian castle with a terrifying atmosphere. This setting alone is enough to cause goose bumps, but it is the rare swinging blade and mysterious Reanimator Machine that make the map so unforgettable and creepy. This is definitely one of the scariest settings in the history of horror games.

In order to defeat the map, the player must collect a certain number of Gibbs and bring them to the Frankenstein-like resurrection device in the center of the castle. If those pendulum blades do not kill the player, they must pass through decaying courtyards, causeways, and greenhouses, with disturbing images in every corner.

Greedy crocodiles and burning explosive balloons are ready to take players away. Laughter turns the original Slaughter map into a terrifying boardwalk amusement park. Faced with new threats never seen before, the map is full of interesting and weird shooting ranges, roller coasters, throwing games, fortune tellers and super vicious amusement parks. It is these sinister settings that make a video game an excellent horror movie.

The amusement park alone is a dazzling and deeply disorienting thing. It is full of spinning rooms, backward conveyor belts, slanted floors, zigzag walls, and so on. There are many places on the map to get lost, and the appeal of pirates to plunder is particularly painful.

In one of the few Halloween maps featuring the evil voodoo-cursed soul robot, the ghost town turned the coal town map into one of the most disturbing holiday scenes. The ghost town is decorated with weird and festive pumpkins, tombstones, spider webs, black cats and more threatening images. The ghost town has become a desolate place for the undead to roam freely.

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All robots have been redesigned as scary zombies in ghost towns, and each of the five updates since 2012 has made the map more scary along the way. This may not be the most difficult Halloween map to complete, but in terms of pure Halloween atmosphere, the ghost town performs well.

In one of the few Halloween maps that mainly feature water and various water missions, Cursed Cove is more eye-catching than most maps. Cursed Cove is made from a single piece of cloth, rather than adapting an existing map. It is located in a haunted bay where players must navigate in a unique way.

Cursed Bay has evil beaches, deadly docks, terrible gates, painful ports, and creepy courtyards. It also throws several unique dangers at the player, including exploding barrels, receding water, traps, and submerged ones. undercurrent. If these efforts are successful, the map will guide them to Davey Jones' Locker, a haunted underwater ship where the ghost of the flying Dutchman is there.

When it comes to the scariest Halloween scene, the tomb is at the top of the list. In the Team Fortress, the ordinary lumber yard map becomes a cemetery, full of rotten tombstones, dark haze, pumpkin bombs, rotten skeletons, traps, and of course, headless horsemen.

The deadly locations on the map include rebirth rooms, burial churches, mountainsides and cliff sides, all of which present unique challenges and distressing threats. The crematorium is especially disturbing due to its labyrinthine layout and night time schedule. All in all, few Team Fortress maps evoke the atmosphere of Halloween more than the cemetery.

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